February 24, 2016

The Importance of Being Observant

I notice a lot of things.

Most married people notice a lot of things. Heck, a good number of people notice at least some things... from time to time. Right? Right.

My question for you is this: what are you noticing?

It's very easy for spouses to pick up on the annoying habits and traits that garnish and complete our other half. For example, they never help wash the dishes. They always lose the keys.

They forget everything.

They never listen.

They don't help enough.

They leave messes everywhere.

Whatever it is, if there is a habit, it's so easy to pick up on it and make a big deal of it. Being observant in relationships is grand, ay?

But what if we switched our observance to things that were important? As in, really important?

Such as, wow, he looks tired. I think I'll give him a hug and an impromptu back massage.

She looks like she's had a long day. I'll clean up the kitchen for her tonight.

It was a bad day, but there's nothing a $2 protein bar can't fix!

He needs someone to talk to- I can stop what I'm doing and talk/pray with him, because he is my priority.

This of course means honesty has to be involved as well... along with the willingness to be open and communicative about what is going on as individuals and as a couple. However, overall, if we switched our observances and took note of things that allow us to be helping as opposed to nagging, we might see our relationship change and become more solid as a whole.

Jacob is completely and utterly my rock when it comes to this. I cannot be more thankful for someone who is so observant and steadfast when it comes to being there for me and always choosing to do what is best for not just me, but for us. Truly, he has and continues to make our relationship better every day.

Observe your relationship. See the good and cultivate it. See the bad and heal it. See the weak and strengthen it.

And above all, seek God in all your efforts to repair or replenish what you are given.


  1. Wow. Thank you for this. I really needed to hear this and it couldn't have been more timely. THANK YOU GIRL!

  2. So glad to hear it! :) It's been in my head so much recently I had to write it down!
