February 5, 2014

The Insurmountable [[False]] Truths about Relationships: Pt. II

Hey, people. Back for more fun and truths. Lies. Or both.

Today's topic I'd like to address. Habits. Bad ones.

And gosh, I need to stop writing in fragments. Oh. Well.

[[False]] TRUTH: The other person has a hidden personality trait that will drive you nuts.

Be it biting nails, leaving the lamps on in the living room, an obnoxious laugh, twirling of the hair, being lazy, etc etc, it's there. The habit. And it's just waiting to be noticed so it can drive you NUTS.

Once you notice it and start going bonkers, feel free to constantly nag and pick at the other person. It's only fair. Have you ever dealt with a 24/7 nose picker? Maybe a mess-leaver?


Death. Taxes. Habits that will drive you to heavy drinking. Ah, life.

THE ACTUAL TRUTH: You decide whether or not the 'habit' drives you nuts.

It's not a prerequisite to being a habit. If one half of the relationship has a annoying habit, then other half of the relationship loses their marbles and receives straight jacket. No.

If they do something with the potential to be annoying, look at it two ways:

1. You can address it with them in order to figure it out instead of accepting it as a horrible habit that will be stuck with you forever, and if they still keep plodding on in their 'ignorant' ways, then

2. Count your blessings and see it from the flip side. Are they a drunk? Abusive? Taken to extreme anger, robbing convenience stores, picking pockets, chewing ice cream instead of licking it? If you answered no, remind yourself that God has blessed you by allowing a wonderful person in your life who, despite that one 'habit', has a bazillion other amazing habits that make them the person you want to spend forever with. If you answered yes, then maybe you need to reconsider your choice.

We're human beings. Yes. We're going to do things that will cause angst to those around us. We're sinful, inclined to slip up, and born with habits.

But instead of cultivating the mindset of insanity when those habits pop up, instead focus on the positive, on how the habit really isn't such a big deal, and why regardless of the habit, God has richly blessed you.

Don't encourage bitterness. Design a mindset of positivity and mutual respect, even when the other person doesn't always do things the way you would.

So. Habits that drive the other person to cliffdiving?


Oh. Yes. There's more coming. Stay tuned (again)!

February 3, 2014

In Which I Finally Chime In (Part 1)

It has been said that the first sentence is always the hardest to write. I’d like to voice my approval of that statement, especially when you’re writing means more to you than anything else on Earth.

Notice that I used that cliché as a first sentence. No, that’s not cheating.

Anyways, my name is Jacob Clifton, and I have something to say. In fact, I have a good deal to say. Down here in the South, a cliché abounds about strong, silent men, and their gabby wives. Fortunately, I’m just as gabby as any wife, and a good deal more opinionated. So for my opening of my side of “our” story, you’re going to be reading a lot about me.

That’s right. Me. You see, to truly understand my side of the story, you’ll have to understand me (or give it a good ol’ college try).

So, for the sake of artistry (and ease of writing), we’re going to travel back twenty months ago, to a house in Western North Carolina, and let the memories I have of who I was (and what I felt) take over the keyboard. Naturally, I don’t remember every exact thought that crossed my mind at the time, but the feelings and memories I remember, and those moments will dictate this narrative.


It was the evening of the Seventh of June. And I was bored.

It had been a long day, and although I hadn’t done anything particularly interesting, I was tired. I just let my mind wander around as I mindlessly scrolled through various web pages that didn’t interest me (an activity we’re all familiar with).

My mind wandered to the girl I worked with at a local campground. She was cute. My sister, as usual, disapproved of my lady-friend. She always did. Sure, I’d had a dozen or so over the years, but still. I didn’t understand it. Why, she had even grown to hate..... The only one who had-

No, I wouldn’t go back there. I had passed that point, right? God has pulled me through it, just me and God. I was alright. Strong, self-sufficient.

I refreshed the “Exercise and Health Bonanza” topic on the Collegeplus Forums for the twelfth time in the past two minutes, for no particular reason. On this forum thread, I had made the grave mistake of mistaking a girl for a guy. Any decent person would have been horrified, but not I- I thrived off of the unusual and atypical.  I’d mastered the art of being unique and confident, and it’s amazing how girls fall in love with cocky guys.



Something caught my eye. No, not a new post, but something I had expected to occur. A certain young woman named Bethany had changed her profile picture. You see, she’s the one I had mistaken for a guy. I couldn’t even make out what her profile picture was of, but all I know is some person name “Kiaikid” who was passionate about fitness has fooled me into believing she was a guy.

And now she was a girl. The change of picture made that obvious.

I did a quick mental analysis of her physical appearance. Hmm. T-shirt and a skirt- typical of a hippy girl who probably is clueless about life. She was beautiful, in her own right, and she had changed her picture for me- that’s obvious. I had already mapped out the expected turn of events. It would go something like this:

Me: So I see you changed your picture.
Bethany: Yes, I did. You see, I really am a girl! Haha. Or maybe I still look like a guy in that picture.
Me: No, you strongly represent a very attractive female. You sure that’s really you?
Bethany: Yes! That’s me… and thank you (: You’re sweet (:

It was like taking candy from a baby. I had mastered the art of wooing. I was no Crunch Hardtack with thirty-inch biceps, or Johnny Cool with the flowing hair. My methods were infinitely more signature, and brought me a good deal of pride. Why, not too long before, every girl in my high school class (ten) had a crush on me.

So, in the natural course of events, I sent her a Private Message:

Nice picture ;P

Hmmm. A little bit silly looking. Perhaps the idiotic emoticon was not-needed. Either way, the conversation had started. It was going to go as expected.


Ah! She had responded:

Thanks! As you can see, I am female most of the time, although I distinctly hate female attire, and feel much more at home in unflattering sweatpants. But, I decided to change it for you, which was probably a mistake because you’re probably not worth my time. Anyways, how are you?

Well this is shocking.

That sort of response wasn’t supposed to happen. What was I supposed to say to that? Did this mean we were going to have to have a normal conversation?

What followed was a lengthy banter of witticisms, insults, and pleasantries. Was it fun? Yes. But I emerged with a sour taste in my mouth. Nothing irks me worse than not getting what I had expected or wanted. One thing I can say for certain though, this girl had guts. And I definitely wanted to talk to her again.

I went to bed thoughtful, needless to say.

The Insurmountable [[False]] Truths about Relationships: Pt. I

So to lighten up the atmosphere after some pretty heavy and morose writing on my part, I'd like to share something a lot of you (well, some of you) can relate to. For the singles, take note. For the couples, take note. For the old cat ladies, take note. Alright then, everyone listen up.

In the world of relationships that consist of guy + girl, there are certain truths that MUST be accepted. If you're new to this whole 'relationship' world, you're on cloud nine eating cotton candy. And all the married people, all the 2-5 year daters, all the people ANYWHERE with half a brain (or Siri) will look at you sternly, slap you in the face, and then for good measure, slap you again.

You featherheaded, ninny. 

Understand that you're under the influence of some serious, serious agents of denial right now. Serious agents that can make you lose track of reality.

Marijuana? No, no sorry. Not even day old glue sticks. You're under the influence of hormones and happy feelings. Maybe even a touch of fairy tale magic and pixie dust. All of which are telling you that you're relationship is the taco to the bell, the mason to the jar, the Starry Night to the Van Gogh.

Please. Let's get real, shall we?

[[False]] TRUTH: 
No matter how close you are, you're going to fight.

Fighting. As in verbally and potentially (but hopefully not) physically saying/doing things to hurt the other person, as opposed to solving the problem, disagreement, misunderstanding, issue by working together to get to it or through it.

I went to 3 weddings this past summer/fall. Despite feeling insanely jealous (and hungry because I don't eat cupcakes or fondue), it struck me how people would joke about 'the first serious fight'. It was brushed off as a cutsie thing, to the point that I would be forced to watch on as guests laughed along side the bride and groom about how the fight would go down. TO YOUR CORNERS, PEOPLE.

My mind was a panic. No! Not me! What!? But alas. Here's the truth.

Fighting is just something you'll have to get used to. Like brushing your teeth, it's just something you'll have to add to the grind of life. But the good news is, think about how much fun you can have spouting off to your girl friends/guy friends after the UFC worthy match takes place.

And hey, you can eat therapy chocolate, too. Yum yum. Counseling to the tune of diabetes. 

THE ACTUAL TRUTH: With all politeness. 
Acceptance of fighting in your relationship is perfectly stupid.

God gives you a brain. And a body. And hormones. And hopefully, at least a speck of intelligence. When you're able and ready, YOU get to pick out the person one you want to spend the rest of your life with.

And then you see them. And it's butterflies, it's cinnamon sugar on Christmas morning, it's neon laces on Nikes. It's packadilly FANTASTIC.

So question: if they're worth fighting for, worth marrying in the near future, worth money and time and emotion... why would you ever fight?

I can hear the protests. 

Beth, you're not married. You don't know how hard it can get. When you live with the other person, there is no off switch. It's healthy to fight once and a while.

And even the ones still in the early phases of their relationships, I see you over there.

I really DO love him, but I know we'll fight at some point. That's just human nature. That's just life.

Hey there. FYI. As Christians, we are called to a higher standard.

Guys: That girl is your princess. She's your biggest fan, your encourager, your sidekick, your best friend.

Girls: That guy is your hero. He's your biggest fan, your encourager, your sidekick, your best friend.

Either now or at some point soon, assuming you're in a relationship with purpose, that other person is going to be there for you through thick and thin. They'll be the one up at 2am with you when you can't sleep from illness. They'll be the one who cries with you, who cooks for you, believes in you, pays for you, holds doors for you, sacrifices for you, and gives you the very years of their life.

And fighting is necessary. You WILL and MUST eventually fight with this person who, in essence, is/will become a part of you. YOU chose them. They chose YOU.

Argument = INVALID.

Stay tuned. We're about to bludgeon you over the head with more truth, and defenestrate even more lies. Or maybe the other way around. You'll see.

February 2, 2014

Dear Sixteen...

Dear Sixteen,

You're finally at that point that everyone's waited for. You're at the lifeisbutadream stage. You're sweet. You're innocent, but feeling much more grown up. You're full of zeal and excitement for being a young woman. Mostly.

Dear Sixteen,

It's hard seeing past the present. There's field hockey, school, One Voice rehearsals. You're almost done with high school. I guess that means you have to start thinking about college soon. That's okay. You've already got a good idea of where you want to go to school because Gordon College wants to offer you a scholarship for field hockey.

But there are bigger things on your mind and heart right now. Well. At least they seem bigger. You're increasingly more worried about how you look for the first time. Being at Laconia High School every day for drama club means you're around all these other girls... and they're so pretty. But you just sit in the farthest seat to the left of the auditorium and kick the toe of your seenbetterdays ballet flat into the steamrollered carpeting.

Dear Sixteen,

Everyone thinks you don't know anything outside of homeschool. Who would blame them? You still haven't gotten your license because you can always walk to the high school and field hockey and everything else. Trudging to and from in snow boots because of the cold weather just isn't cool and makes you feel twice as ugly, so you wear those ballet flats in the ice and brown slush for the collective twoish miles you have to walk.

Every time you pass a window or a reflective surface, you look at yourself and hope you're actually just as skinny as you look in the warped reflection.

Dear Sixteen,

You're not very good at math. Don't worry. Someday it will be over for good! Someday you won't be working at that dairy bar where all those college girls make fun of you because you always smile and barely understand the concept of a hangover. Someday, maybe you won't be comparing yourself to the way the other girls look.

Why? You don't like boys much at all. You hope you're pretty enough to not be looked over, you want to be popular, but you can't stand the thought of a guy. It confuses you thoroughly.

Dear Sixteen,

Do you know that someday there's going to be a sixteen year old sister you've got to look out for? That girl is going to sneak up on you and get taller and slimmer than you, get beautiful dark eyes, gorgeous dark hair, a glowing smile, and knack for being honest and helpful and loving. She's going to be the credit of the family with how smart she is. She's much smarter than you'll ever be.

Do you know that she'll probably go through everything you're going through? Do you know that she'll probably feel fat and ugly just like you do from time to time? But oh, she's so flawless and beautiful, and even when you're older, you'll still look on just a little jealous of her naturally dark eyelashes. It's funny how she's probably looking over at you doing the same thing. Stop worrying. Just enjoy the way things are and I promise it will be better!

Dear Sixteen,

Things are going to change so much for you in the next four years. Your 'best friends' will slip away because they come up with a bunch of reasons why you're no good in the next few months... to be replaced by a weird blonde girl named Kaitie. She's a new Christian, her family background is a complete 180 from yours, and her life is generally a shambles. You become amazingly close friends who like to fight a lot, but can't seem to get away from each other.

But she's always happy and she'll walk 4 miles with you in the barefoot, glittering, humid summer. She'll try to listen to you explain why you want to be single forever. She'll be there when guys coming knocking at your door for the first time. You don't like it, but it does make you wonder if you're not as ugly as you think. You want to stay single and alone forever with Jesus, she wants to homeschool 15 kids in a field of daisies with her husband. Things will be up and down for her. You'l try to help. But in 4 years, you'll see her get married.

Dear Sixteen,

You've always wanted to be a musician. You want to be the slicked back, skinny jeans, studs and microphone, cropped hair and headbang kinda girl. You can buy skinny jeans, but not skinny genes, so this is a hassle. You adopt a musician's lifestyle. But despite it all, you sign autographs for the first time in your life.

What would you say if I told you that you won't be going on tour with Paramore anytime soon?

Dear Sixteen,

You're going to learn martial arts. Neat, huh? You always secretly wanted to learn that. Who hasn't? You'l get scarred knuckles and lumpy scar tissue in your shins. But the best part is, you'll end up becoming a martial arts instructor. You've got a chance to influence a lot of kids and adults alike. Don't forget that for one second, no matter how mundane or hard the job becomes. 

Dear Sixteen,

In the next four years you'll cry more than you've cried in your whole life. Not always because of bad, mind you. God is going to move a lot of furniture around in the home of your heart (I can't believe I just used that analogy). You'll have gone through a thousand mornings and evenings and wake ups and falling asleeps.

You WILL get your license. You will graduate. You'll play field hockey your senior year, but because of a financial fall out with the plans you had for Gordon and Houghton and all the other colleges you wanted to go to, you'll never play field hockey again.

You'll do collegeplus. You'll moan and cry out over the unfairness of life. A year into it, you'll meet Jacob Clifton. A year later, you'll moan and cry out over the unfairness of life- this time because God won't give you all the things you loathed at sixteen. And despite the fact that you're the one who's changed, it's God's fault, somehow.

That makes no sense. But ah, Sixteen, just you wait. Despite how ridiculous that rational seems right now, Twenty just can't see it and she won't be able to for a bit, I'm afraid.

Dear Sixteen,

Don't stress out too much about the health issues you've got right now. You'll finally heal in about 3 years, I promise. Don't worry about school. About friends. About singleness. About being too fat or skinny or ugly or pretty.

You've got so much to life for. The world is expanding. Things will hurt. Things will be beautiful. Go out and see it all.