May 15, 2015

Oh Friday! Glorious Little Things

So sporadic are my posts these days. I'm sorry, I am! But life is so full of sparring matches, football games, typing and plotting, shopping and cleaning, lifting and cooking, etc etc etc.

We even added to our little family! Musashi, or Sashi as we affectionately call our little Tortie kitten, is a bundle of energy and always ready to snuggle and jump on anything that moves.

Jacob has been well added to the Beyond the Belt family and has begun volunteer instructing after his promotion to purple belt. Yes, he may have just started about 10 months ago, but when you live with a martial arts instructor, every day is a learning experience- or at least I try to make it so! 

I am so blessed that my best friend decided to abandon the seemingly 'good' choice of working for Edward Jones and instead has chosen to go down the unorthodox career path of martial arts with me. Life is certainly different because of this choice- but despite this, God has blessed us and our new journey of marriage immensely. Things have been tight, but we have never gone without and we continuously see God's hand in everything we witness in our lives.

I am now only 4 months out from a goal I set out upon over 4 years ago: black belt. Although my job and my pursuit follow the same lines, the concept of getting my black belt is still thrilling and I am ready for this next step... I hope! Again, I'm very blessed to be a part of this community and do what good I can through this occupation.

Doesn't he look good in a gi? ;) I'm excited to see where all this goes and how God uses it for his glory! We are, again, very blessed to be where we are and continue to wait and watch to see where we go from here.

Until then, it's wild shenanigans and bro time in the living room, eating out of tupperware because we're always at the dojo, getting gains, and making our first year the best year!