August 1, 2014

Buddy Holly and a Million Other Things Happening Today

I like listening to Buddy Holly.

While reading how to potentially renew my license online.

While doing laundry.

While emailing our photographer on what photos I want to have at the wedding.

While finding addresses for some such people.

While icing various parts of my body.

While calling and filing for insurance.

While re-stacking all the boxes in my room (lots, lots, and lots of boxes).

While feeding cats.

While discussing the timeline between "Sixteen Candles" and Buddy Holly.

Buddy Holly is important, I guess.

While asking whether or not an extra 6 hours of driving is worth it when you're already planning a 13 hour drive.

While thinking that by golly, it's been a whole hour. Maybe I should eat again.

Oh. And I still need to buy stamps.

Happy, busy brain today.

I also feel a lot like a little kid when the mailman comes. So. I've grown accustomed run outside in my bare feet and hope I get some exciting package. Heck, I've spent enough George Washingtons, I will be as excited as I want to!

Hm. So 73 days. And this what my mind feels like.

And registries are fun after the first 24 hours- the first 24 hours are icky. But worth it. Especially if you have food.

"Oh, you're getting married? How's that going?"

"Great! It's been a lot of fun!"

"So when is the wedding?"

"This October!"

"THIS OCTOBER?!?!?!" (cue foaming at the mouth and shaking violently before dropping stone dead)

What else... oh yes! Knowing your dress is going to look JUST as you imagined is a lovely, lovely thing.

And getting wedding bands that are 10,000 times more amazing then you expected?? It makes the 56.32392584 hours you spent researching metals and stones or no stones and how expensive and what not.

And that's all I have time to say right now! But thank you for all the prayers and texts and emails and facebooking and such- I'm very grateful (and busy, but still!) for all those who are following along with us and we wait to see what God's plan is for the future Mr. And Mrs. Clifton.

Here's to licking envelopes!


  1. oooooh, goodness, you have no idea how much good this post just did me. thanks. =]

  2. I knew you would relate, Carreen! ;)
